Welcome to Kristianesherry.com and The Share!

It’s great to see you here!

It’s been… a while. It was 2022 when I first bought this domain, set up Squarespace, and worked with my wonderful friends Dan and Laurie on brand, design and site stuff. It’s now 2024 and finally, along with my incredible assistant Jamila, we’re hitting publish. We’re live!

Why did it take so long, and what’s the site all about anyway? 

The first part is easy. You could say life ‘got in the way’. But I don’t see it like that. My intended website go-live coincided with my step into self-employment.  I thought I’d have more time than ever on my hands. But instead – and with much, much gratitude – work has been both hectic and satisfyingly rich. It’s been vibrant, bustling, and full of joy, community and delicious things.  One of my biggest lessons that I’m still learning is to balance that ‘work’ with ‘life’. Which is especially challenging when lots of the paid stuff just doesn’t feel like work! So instead I’d say that ‘life’ was prioritised. Weekends and evenings are protected as much as possible. Because I want to be here for the long haul. And while I have aims to publish here every month, I’d ask for compassion and patience if that doesn’t happen. My work life is wonderful – but life-life is precious. Time is limited. If the schedule slips, so be it.

With that said, what’s even the point of having a website and newsletter? For me, it’s a thrill to have a space to write (and perhaps in the future even commission) pieces that don’t have a natural home elsewhere. I want to be able to share thoughts and ideas about whisky. Especially from the places where whisky soaks into life and society. Whisky is so part of our world – yet we don’t often talk about how the spirit, or indeed we as whisky drinkers, move through it. I revel in delving into process, production, tasting notes, trends, label design and all things product-facing. AND. Whisky is more than this. So let’s get exploring!

What will you find here? Monthly (hopefully!) opinion-led thought pieces and features. I will also publish things like tasting notes from time-to-time – especially for products that feel notable to me. I want this site to be a place for discussion, including good-faith disagreement, too. So chime in. The best thing about whisky is that it’s best enjoyed with others. It’s a convivial spirit. Let the conversation flow.

The most important thing to stress is that while I consider myself to be part of the whisky industry, everything I write comes from the perspective that whisky is for everyone. This isn’t a ‘trade’ site. If you like whisky, I hope you’ll find something here for you. Whether you’ve enjoyed one dram or thousands. 

The best of the site will go out by email newsletter every month – if that’s of interest, you can sign up via the contact page.

Cheers! 🥃


Leith Export Co’s Table Whisky feels radical. Here’s why.